Saturday 7 December 2013

What is Arbitration ?

  The word arbitration seems to confuse many investors .
It rarely ends in a clear cut decision , nothing in law is that black and white .
Firstly , I shall explain Metal Tech ( the result ) . Technically you can read that they ( Metal Tech Ltd ) lost the case . Why ? 
Because the documentation shows that they lacked jurisdiction . In this case that just means that the Court decided that they needed to make no final decision . Because the parties involved had settled on a takeover by a third party for 32p ( Iscar / Buffett ) .
In fact , Metal Tech had a previous takeover offer by a group called Technoplus ( at 4/5p per share) . This was rebuffed by the owners of Metal Tech . Luckily for me .
Interestingly Metro Baltic Horizons has followed the same path as Metal Tech ( thus far ) .

One could argue that Rurelec and Oxus gold are different . Well more so Oxus .Because the share price actually fell after The Gibbons Investment team stepped in . Whilst with Rurelec , the Sterling Investment has only led to a price rise .

Of course , what one watches for most closely and is the best giveaway is the length of trial . the longer Arbitration takes , the more chance of a positive result for the average  investor . Or more simply put , lack of blood on the floor , generally means there was no murder ( manslaughter , just for the legally minded ).
Personally I still expect the Rurelec case to be resolved first . Although , one is never absolutely sure , when an agreement will occur . that is why it`s the best option to involved in all ,plus hedging your bets is a safer stratagem.

  The market , seems that the 7200 this year may be beyond the FTSE . Pack up and try again next year .
Although history has been affirmed and the rise was good , just not spectacular this year . 

   Happy trading and may your Prophet go with you 

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